Tragedy to Triumph

Fight or Flight

Episode Summary

In this powerful episode, Ashley shares her amazing story of Recovery. From being the victim who ran from her problems to a fighter that refuses to give up. Today, she has over a year clean and shares her experience, strength, and hope with others. Ashley is doing BIG things...

Episode Notes

Episode 51: Fight or Flight

In this powerful episode, Ashley shares her amazing story of Recovery. From being the victim who ran from her problems to a fighter that refuses to give up. Today, she has over a year clean and shares her experience, strength, and hope with others.  Ashley is doing BIG things...

Amazing stories from people in Recovery hosted by Aaron Laine. A unique perspective from those who struggled with drugs and changed their lives. My goal is to share stories from people all over this country and share some hope for those who feel like they can't break free. If we can change our lives... so can you.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please feel free to message me on Facebook or call 513-415-7851